As a website that needed a lot of pages and a wide variety of content layout options, a Custom WordPress website was the ideal solution.
At visionsharp we design all of our websites from a blank page, and make use of Advanced Custom Fields and Flexible Content to develop all the blocks necessary to create the final pages.
Using the wordpress CMS in this way means that Arvia have full flexibility over their content and can modify or create new pages easily with the pre-styled blocks that have been developed exclusive for their brand and content needs.
Arvia use a lot of videos to give more detail about some of their more complex processes. So we made use of Amazon Web Services and their CloudFront Content Delivery Network, to allow them to have auto-playing HTML5 video on their pages that work on all devices and don’t have any negative affect page load speeds.
We integrated the contact forms with their CRM software, Goldvision, to allow them to easily manage new website leads, and ensure all enquiries are handled appropriately by the Runcorn team.